Security Reporting Center

Security Reporting Center

Please report any technical or business information leakage.
Please report any technical or business information leakage.
Applicable Not Applicable
  • Confidential information leakage
  • Security violation
  • Security threat
  • Rumors and false facts that cannot be verified
  • Defamation of character
  • A case that has been reported to investigative agencies
Required fields
등록, 파일등록 정보를 제공
Modes of reporting
All information you provide will remain confidential. You anonymity is guaranteed.
  • Files larger than 10MB may be subject to upload restrictions.
  • If the file size exceeds the limit, please email it to

Consent for the collection and use of personal information

Privacy Policy for the collection and use of personal information.

    • The purpose for the collection and use of personal information
      The company uses the collected information to provide feedback and manage security reports.
    • What personal information we collect and how we collect it
      - Information we collect: your name, your company’s name, contact
      - How we collect information: The company collects personal information through the “Security Reporting Center” menu on its website.   
      * auto collect: IP
    • Personal information retention period.
      The company destroys the information as soon as it receives feedback on customer inquiries,
      fraud reports, or security-related complaints.
    • Refusal of consent and its disadvantages
      Users have the right to refuse to provide the requited information. In this case,
      the company will be unable to respond to the user’s inquiry.
    • I agree to the terms and conditions of the collection and use of personal information described above.

All information you provide will remain confidential. Your anonymity is guaranteed.


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