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트위터 링크드

2022/04/22 Samsung Bioepis’ Passion Extends Beyond Health – Our Commitment to Sustainability
Today marks the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day, a day observed globally to raise the awareness for the health of our planet and remember the importance of protecting the health of our planet and its inhabitants. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a wake-up call for public health and healthy living. 
At the same time, the pandemic reminded us the threat of the other global crisis that predated the outbreak of COVID-19 – climate change.  

On Earth Day and every day, Samsung Bioepis is committed to contributing to protect the health of our planet and implementing sustainable practices. 

Our ‘Passion for Health’ is also a ‘Passion for Environment’. 

Samsung Bioepis is engaged in various environmental management activities at each step of value chain - from packaging and shipping products with eco-friendly materials to accommodating energy-efficient building systems, with an aim to minimize our environmental impact over the product life cycle. 

As part of our energy-saving efforts, our headquarters, completed in December 2020, are equipped with exterior materials such as special coated glass as well as energy-efficient lighting devices and pumping systems. 

We take great care in managing the waste, air pollutants and hazardous chemicals that are produced at our worksites, and constantly monitor climate change trends and impacts as a way to take an effective response to global warming. See Samsung Bioepis’ 2021 Annual Sustainability Report for more details.  

The health of our planet and that of humanity go hand in hand as we live in a world interconnected by the global ocean and atmosphere. 

In celebration of the 52nd Earth Day, as a biopharmaceutical company, Samsung Bioepis reaffirms our commitment to evolving our environmental and sustainable efforts to keep humans and our planet healthy. 

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